The Metropolis Collection

Introducing the –– metropolis –– nft, for those decentralizing travel.

Get your Mexico Nights Onchain.

  • Kickstarting The Legacy

    Announcing our initial token launch of the Rums network with Metropolis, a regular old boy erc-1155 NFT designed as the go-to backbone for kickstarting Rums and securing stays in Mexico City for holders.

  • The Original Location

    Nestled at the vibrant intersection of Roma and Del Valley, our inaugural Rums location offers an exquisite balance of serenity and excitement, embodying the spirit of Mexico City’s most dynamic neighborhoods.

  • A Blend of History, Culture, and Urban Elegance

    The juxtaposition of Del Valle’s familial charm with Roma’s bohemian rhapsody creates a unique cultural tapestry, inviting guests to wander through history while indulging in the pleasures of modern urban life.

  • The Extended Network

    Partnering with a vibrant array of local communities and organizations in Mexico City to offer our guests an extensive network of professional and leisure activities designed to seamlessly integrate them into the local dynamism and culture.

Utility of the Metropolis NFT.

  • Each Rums Metropolis NFT token represents a booking for a specific night's stay at a Rums location. Token holders have the flexibility to use the NFT to access their accommodation on the designated night, participate in on-site activities like cultural expositions and global fintech mixers, or sell the token on the secondary market. This allows the NFT to retain value and utility dynamically, adapting to the holder’s changing plans.

  • When a token holder successfully uses its booked night or if a token holder decides not to use the NFT after a date is selected, the token will automatically burn. This mechanism ensures that each token is tied to a real-time, real-world utility, preventing unused tokens from lingering indefinitely. Owners have the option to sell their tokens without assigning a specific arrival date, allowing the next owner to redeem the stay at their convenience.

    If there is a surplus of unused tokens, the network will decide if reissuing or burning these tokens for a different purpose is preferred. There will be public onchain data available at all times to ensure the state of token usage, however the network will also provide token holders with regular reports and snapshot opportunities.

  • Upon burning the NFT, either through use or automatic expiration, the holder will receive an airdrop of a new token. This new token acts as a membership badge within the Rums community, recognizing the holder as part of the OG community. It grants them special benefits including:

    Governance Rights: Members can participate in decision-making processes that shape the network’s future development and policies.

    Early Access to New Nodes, Locations and Airdrops: Membership tokens provide early access to presales or airdrops, deepening involvement in the network’s expansion.

    Participation in Network Growth: Holders can engage in various stages of network growth, influencing and contributing to its evolution.

  • While there are currently no immediate plans to issue a network-wide token, the potential for such a development remains open. This future network token could play a crucial role in managing the expanding array of locations and community engagement. Holders of the OG membership token might receive preferential access or benefits in this scenario, acknowledging their early and ongoing support for the Rums ecosystem.

NFT Collection Launch

Public NFT Sale End Date

Thursday, July 4th 2024

17:00 UTC

Total Supply

2900 –– legacy –– NFTs

% Supply


Fully Diluted Launch Value

$306,000 usd | ca 102e

Purchase Limits

Maximum 120 –– legacy ––

Purchase Options


Burning Schedule Starts

65 days after purchase

Date Appointment

first come, first serve **

Thursday, June 27th 2024

17:00 UTC

Public NFT Sale Start Date

$105 usd per room | $330 usd per apartment*

ca 0.035e per room | ca 0.11e per apartment*

Fixed NFT Price

Sunday, September 8th 2024, 

17:00 UTC

Date Appointment Start Date ***

* considering its equivalence in eth, bridged to the base network, in up-to-date exchange rates at the time of purchase.

** considering on-chain public & immediately available data regarding time of purchase, schedule queue will be allocated.

*** does not close until all dates available are taken.

Treasury Allocation.

Operational Costs:

This budget is allocated for the day-to-day functioning of the project, covering all routine expenses. It includes administrative costs, maintenance supplies, and utilities necessary to maintain the project's infrastructure and ensure smooth operations.

Advisory & Development:

This allocation is dedicated to both advisory services and the ongoing development of the platform. It covers compensation for expert consultants and advisors who provide strategic guidance, as well as funding for developers working on software improvements, security enhancements, and new feature rollouts.

Location Growth:

Funds in this category are targeted towards expanding the number of locations available under the project. This includes the acquisition and setup of new nodes, renovations, and local marketing efforts to establish these new locations as viable options within the network.

Community Engagement:

This budget supports initiatives designed to build and maintain a vibrant, active community around the project. It includes organizing events, workshops, and meetups, as well as producing engaging content and communications to foster a sense of belonging and active participation among members.

Token Holder IRL (In Real Life) Fund:

This allocation is specifically set aside for activities and benefits that directly involve and reward token holders. It can be used for organizing exclusive events, providing special offers, and funding other initiatives that add real-world value to holding the project's tokens, enhancing the overall token holder experience.