Onchain Homes

Onchain Stays

Onchain Homes • Onchain Stays •

A club to provide the crypto curious with curated stays and a nexus with cultural and business engagement, globally.

An Odyssey of the Unseen Cities

  • Rums is a decentralized platform designed to provide crypto natives with artsy accommodations globally, while also serving as a nexus for cultural and entrepreneurial engagement. The platform merges the benefits of blockchain technology with the vibrancy of local cultures, creating a space where digital and physical realms coalesce.

  • At the heart of Rums is the use of blockchain to mint tokens corresponding to booking nights. The initial offering includes 2,920 tokens, each representing a night’s stay over two years in the platform’s inaugural property—an apartment with four bedrooms located in Mexico City. This property serves as both the project's pilot and a symbol of community commitment.

  • Mexico City, the vibrant heart of Latin America, stands as the inaugural choice for the launch of Rums. This decision was driven by the city's unique position as a cultural gateway and a burgeoning hub for fintech and blockchain innovation in the region.

    This launch in Mexico City is designed to be a comprehensive attestation of the platform’s potential. It will allow us to refine our offerings, ensure our technology meets the needs of our users, and confirm that our community-driven approach resonates with hosts and travelers alike.